Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sponsorship Post Lance #Powersponsorship

I wanted to add my 2 cents worth after reading a great blog written by Kim Skildum-Reid from Power Sponsorship. Before you read anymore of mine if you have not read Kim's Blog Lance Armstrong and the future of sponsorship, read it first. -

There are 3 points in this blog that I want to have an opinion on as I am (was) a huge Lance Armstrong fan, Am still a huge Livestrong advocate and still do love riding my Trek bike and cycling as a sport.

The Future Of Cycling.
Kim posed these great questions."If all the riders of Armstrong’s generation had their samples retested, as he did, how far down the list of Tour de France finishers would we have to go before we found someone clean?" The answer is unknown because the governing body is not going to go back and run all those tests. They should though if they are serious about rebuilding the sports credability and it's brand, really how much worse can it get?? Cycling will always survive it just may take a long time to flourish again to the level seen in the last decade.

"When you found out Santa Clause wasn't real your probably were about as disappointed and disillusioned as you are feeling now"

What About Livestrong?
Now here is a topic that I get really, really passionate about. "The organisation has grown well past the point where it needs him. It means a lot to a lot of people, and has created a global community for cancer support and healthy living, and I believe it will continue to thrive past the downfall of it's founder" Livestrong will survive and continue to prosper as long as they are able to transition internally from a Lance by product. They should hold their heads high for the 200 million cancer sufferers around the world that see Livestrong yellow as a candle of hope. Livestrong you need to stand up and yell your message louder than ever on every corner of the globe, we need you so don't be conservative, now is the time to stand tall. If your still not convinced then try this analogy that I use to describe my position to others. When you found out Santa Clause wasn't real your were probably about as disappointed and disillusioned as you are feeling now towards Lance. You held onto the spirit of Christmas though and realised it was about giving and humanity as much as receiving. Lance was the modern day sporting Santa to alot of people he brought great joy and gave hope, that is gone. Livestrong is like Christmas day especially to those 200 million odd cancer sufferers around the world and they continue to bring joy and hope. Please understand the difference between Lance and Livestrong, embrace and Support Livestrong as the world is a better place if you do.

What can/will the sponsors do?
Here now let's discuss the mechanics of what this means for sponsorship. "How many sponsors will leave the sport? That's to be seen. How many are reconsidering their investments? Sources are telling me quite a few. Seriously, if you were a brand manager what would you do?" Sponsors need to put the onus back on the teams/sport by demanding insurance that if any team members get caught having taken performance enhancing substances during or post the contract period that there is a substantial financial penalty imposed. In my opinion teams then need to have the same clause with each of their athletes, during or post contract if you are caught you are liable for 100% of earnings whilst under contract with that team. The only way cycling and any other sport can clean up is if the athletes want to clean up. Supply and demand, if there is no demand for doping then the supply problem will fix itself. Sponsors hold your marketing partners accountable the same way you do your staff in their contract and you should be able to rest easier. Sport is still and will remain a great way to promote and market products, services and brands. The passion for it has not diminished!

Thanks for another great blog Kim.